DECREE NUMBER 0293 - By means of which it is declared Civic Day and is given other provisions
(JULY 23, 2016)
“By means of which it is declared Civic Day and is given other provisions”
THE GOVERNOR OF THE DEPARTMENTAL ARCHIPELAGO OF SAN ANDRES, PROVIDENCE, AND KETHLEENA, in use of his legal and regulatory authority, especially those enshrined in Decree-Law 1222 of 1986, Ordinance 012 of 2003, and
That according to numeral 1 of Article 94 of Decree Law 1222 of 1986, it is the responsibility of the Governor "(...) to comply and enforce in the Department the Decrees and orders of the Government and the Ordinances of the assemblies (...)".
That through Ordinance 012 of 2003, the Departmental Assembly declared the first (1st) of August of each year as EMANCIPATION DAY OF THE RAIZAL PEOPLE, ordering to commemorate this day in remembrance of our ancestors who were freed from slavery and as a sign of Raizal recognition to the entire Raizal People.
It is the will of the Departmental Administration, interpreting the will of the native islander ethnicity, exalting the collective memory of an event that marked our history.
That in order to encourage the participation of all inhabitants of the islands in the cultural events to be developed, it is necessary to declare this day as civic day.
That in merit of the above,
FIRST.- Declare civic day the first (1st) of August, 2016, to commemorate "EMANCIPATION DAY OF THE RAIZAL PEOPLE" Accordingly, inviting Raizal, Residents, and Tourists to participate actively in the concerted cultural program.
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SECOND.On the occasion of the declaration of civic day, there will be no working activities at Organizations and Public Bodies of Departmental Order so that public servants can attend the events and activities that are programed.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, they must ensure public service at those entities and/or Departmental offices which by nature and mission have as objective to provide services that demand immediate attention to the inhabitants of the islands.
Carrying out working activities shall be optional for the private sector for both businesses and Private Educational Institutions.
THIRD.The present Decree is in force as from the date of issue.
Given in San Andres Island, on July 25, 2016
Secretary of Culture
Elaborated/projected by: Beatriz Hooker – Culture
Revised by: Sofia Gordon – Legal Adviser
Filed by: Beatriz H