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Coso Municipal


• El nuevo centro de acopio para animales estará ubicado en Orange Hill.

Por medio de la ordenanza 007 del 24 de diciembre de 2018, la Asamblea Departamental ordenó la reglamentación para el funcionamiento y operación del coso municipal. 


De acuerdo con la orden,  se faculta al gobernador para expedir los decretos reglamentarios del coso municipal que incluyan, por lo menos, el tiempo de existencia del coso y, consecuentemente, la tenencia en el coso de animales, procedimientos de entrega en calidad de depósito, procedimiento en calidad de adopción, procedimiento de entrega de animales salvajes a la corporación ambiental Coralina, procedimiento de eutanasia y demás acciones necesarias para el cumplimiento de sus fines y objetivos.


Dicho acopio para animales será operado por la Secretaría de Movilidad y, de acuerdo con el proyecto presentado por el jefe de cartera Francisco Cruz Bailey, se destinará un amplio terreno en el sector de Orange Hill para la disposición de los animales.


Vamos a continuar la hoja de ruta trazada. La SAE nos donó un lote con mucha más capacidad. Será un espacio en el que los animales van a estar más cómodos y se seguirá garantizando su atención”, informó Cruz Baily.


El objetivo de este centro o coso municipal es atender a los animales que se encuentran deambulando sobre las vías públicas del departamento en violación del artículo 97 de la ley 769 2002 modificado por la ley 1310 de 2013


El diseño contará con todas las especificaciones técnicas como aislamiento para mitigar impactos por ruido, manejo integral de residuos y una zona de protección ambiental.

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Reef Fragmets

Secretariat of Agriculture and Fisheries transplanted nearly 13 thousand 500 coral fragments in the Department


• About 13 thousand 500 coral fragments were transplanted to repopulate one of the largest coral reefs in the world, Seaflower.

Coral reefs are one of the most vulnerable ecosystems facing the impacts generated by pollution in seas and oceans. For this reason, since July 2017, the project for coral restoration began in the Department, which is considered the largest in Colombia.

This program has achieved that in a year, the 28 artisanal fishermen that have received previous training, 13 in San Andres and 15 in Providence. They will plant 13. 468 coral fragments of 4 different species in eight nurseries between San Andres and Providence; for the Secretary of Agriculture and Fisheries, ErlydArroyo Newball, this goal was achieved thanks to the commitment of both the institutions and the fishing community.

"The commitment of our fishermen with this project was very valuable. Everyone made their biggest contribution and showed great interest in contributing to the health of our Seaflower Biosphere Reserve. From the Departmental Government we will join our efforts to support this great project that involves our fishermenwhich has allowed us to be the country with the largest fragments of transplanted corals, "said Arroyo Newball.

Throughout this process, the fishermen received training and technical teaching. Likewise, along with the Corales de Paz Foundation, different strategies were implemented that have allowed identifying the deterioration factors and the level of direct or indirect impact to counteract the threats generated by different human activities.


The first stage of this initiative was financed by the Secretariat of Agriculture and Fisheries, together with CoralinaInternational Conservation of Colombia, and the Corales de Paz Foundation.

The challenge for 2019 is to start transplanting in the areas chosen by the environmental corporation and approved by the community. According to the study, there will be around 5.000 reef colonies rehabilitated on each island.

"It is a valuable contribution of the authorities of the Archipelago of San Andres, Providence and Santa Catalina for the protection of the third largest barrier reef in the world," said the secretary.

It is an inter-institutional effort that reaffirms the commitment with the Environment, and with the protection of the Seaflower World Biosphere Reserve.


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• During the tour, strategies were also analyzed to return public space to the beach resort.

In order to establish strategies against erosion and the management of public space on the beaches of Rocky Cay, the Secretariat of Tourism, together with Public Services and Environment, Infrastructure, Fire Department, Office of Risk Management, Port Authority and Coralina, carried out a day of inspection in the area.

During the activity, the secretary heard the needs of tour operators working in the area, while extending the invitation to do a joint work for the island's economic and sustainable development.

"We have witnessed the erosion and the requests of the community to make presence and see the issue in a more serious and immediate manner to respond. Maybe we cannot give solutions to the dynamics of nature, but we can find solutions to try to mitigate the impact that this generates on tourists and merchants," said Yadira Olivo FlorezSecretary of Tourism.


The official emphasized that the articulation between the entities will make the solutions immediate because it is an issue of general competence. On the other hand, the secretary cataloged the lack of public space on the beach as a situation that must be controlled because the beaches are open places for the enjoyment of visitors and residents.


"We are making an assessment of the use of public space and the illegality of the establishments that are selling liquor, serving tourists, and the subject of beach chairs. This is a starting point from scratch to come up with more truthful, objective and immediate strategies to respond to the community that needs it so much and itis time to give it attention,” said Olivo Florez.


In the same manner, Olivo Florez highlighted the support of tourism providers, stating that there is interest in offering a better service. On the other hand, the Departmental Coordinator of the Office of Risk Management, Walden Downs Pomare, declared that work must be done now on the studies and reports that can offer a clear solution to the problem of erosion that is occurring not only in Rocky Cay, but on the various beaches of the island.


"A technical report and bathymetry are needed, that is why we are in company of the Captain of the Port and Coralina, which are the technical institutions and endorsed in the subject of risk knowledge to see what actions or interventions can be carried out to mitigate the damage that we are seeing in a short period,"concluded the coordinator of the Office of Risk Management, Walden Downs Pomare.

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Gobernación socializa Plan Estratégico de Desarrollo Agropecuario para San Andrés y Providencia

· El documento está en estudio en la Honorable Asamblea. Se espera que, antes que concluya el presente año se convierta en Ordenanza Departamental.

El secretario de Agricultura y Pesca del departamento Erlid Arroyo Newball, socializó el pasado jueves 20 de diciembre, con agricultores de San Andrés, el Plan Estratégico de Desarrollo Agropecuario para las islas, documento que, en la actualidad, está siendo estudiado por los integrantes de la Honorable Asamblea Departamental, tras ser presentado por el gobernador del departamento (e), Juan Francisco Herrera Leal, al inicio de las sesiones extra ordinarias.

Este proyecto, al ser aprobado por la Asamblea Departamental, será la hoja de ruta para el desarrollo de la actividad agropecuaria en San Andrés, así como en el municipio de Providencia” aseveró el funcionario.

Arroyo, explicó que este documento cuenta con cinco ejes fundamentales que son: Eje institucional; eje Ambiental; eje de Agricultura Insular; Mercado Agropecuario y generación de valor.  La apuesta del Gobierno Departamental es, llevar la agricultura de las islas a otro nivel, que sea más competitivo y poder posicionarlo como uno de los principales renglones de la economía local.

El documento contempla del fortalecimiento de la seguridad en las zonas de producción, y el desarrollo de un Farmet Market, para que los agricultores pueden comercializar sus productos. También  inversión para el mejoramiento del sistema de riego. “Por supuesto allí se desarrollarán, dentro de los lineamientos del Plan Estratégico de Desarrollo Agropecuario, la inversión para el mejoramiento de sistemas de riego y temas de agricultura por contrato, que es una proyección bandera del gobierno seccional para el fortalecimiento”, explica el secretario.

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A la comunidad en general, que en aplicación a los Programas de Atención a las Personas Adultas Mayores, se ha perfilado realizar los pagos a los beneficiarios del Programa Colombia Mayor - Programa de Solidaridad con el Adulto Mayor, en la NUEVA ENTIDAD PAGADORA SERVIENTREGA/EFECTY correspondientes a los meses de SEPTIEMBRE - OCTUBRE así:







En Atención a que a ésta fecha no se han hecho efectivos los pagos de 325 beneficiarios, y en cumplimiento de las funciones como cooperantes en la ejecución del Programa Colombia Mayor, publicamos los nombres de las personas que faltan por cobrar, siendo que sus subsidios estarán disponibles únicamente hasta el sábado  21 de Diciembre de los corrientes, en los siguientes puntos de atención:

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Back to School


· Education is completely free from Preschool to eleventh grade.

The Secretary of Education´s Office launches the “Everybody to School” campaign with the purpose to guarantee education for all children, adolescents and all school age youth, and parents and legal guardians are recommended to enroll their children in an educational institution for the 2019 school year. 

The community is invited to identify those children who do not go to school and encourage them to go back. Likewise, to participate in the campaign and to inform the Secretary of Education´s Office of any irregular situation. 

Parents or legal guardians must go to the school to request the space needed for their children. Spaces will be assigned according to availability. It is necessary to exalt that education is completely free from Preschool to eleventh grade

In the month of January, the Secretary of Education´s Office will begin an active search for children and young people who are not in school and invite them to go back to school and get enrolled. Parents should accompany their children in this endeavor.

In this sense, the intention is to be able to enroll those who were never enrolled, those who had abandoned school for whatever reason, those who had preferred to develop other activities or those who do not show an interest in achieving basic studies.

This campaign is developed with the support of other entities such as the Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar, Secretaría de Desarrollo Social, Departamento de Prosperidad Social, and others.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Neque similique, at excepturi adipisci repellat ut veritatis officia, saepe nemo soluta modi ducimus velit quam minus quis reiciendis culpa ullam quibusdam eveniet. Dolorum alias ducimus, ad, vitae delectus eligendi, possimus magni ipsam repudiandae iusto placeat repellat omnis veritatis adipisci aliquam hic ullam facere voluptatibus ratione laudantium perferendis quos ut. Beatae expedita, itaque assumenda libero voluptatem adipisci maiores voluptas accusantium, blanditiis saepe culpa laborum iusto maxime quae aperiam fugiat odit consequatur soluta hic. Sed quasi beatae quia repellendus, adipisci facilis ipsa vel, aperiam, consequatur eaque mollitia quaerat. Iusto fugit inventore eveniet velit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quam magnam accusamus obcaecati nisi eveniet quo veniam quibusdam veritatis autem accusantium doloribus nam mollitia maxime explicabo nemo quae aspernatur impedit cupiditate dicta molestias consectetur, sint reprehenderit maiores. Tempora, exercitationem, voluptate. Sapiente modi officiis nulla sed ullam, amet placeat, illum necessitatibus, eveniet dolorum et maiores earum tempora, quas iste perspiciatis quibusdam vero accusamus veritatis. Recusandae sunt, repellat incidunt impedit tempore iusto, nostrum eaque necessitatibus sint eos omnis! Beatae, itaque, in. Vel reiciendis consequatur saepe soluta itaque aliquam praesentium, neque tempora. Voluptatibus sit, totam rerum quo ex nemo pariatur tempora voluptatem est repudiandae iusto, architecto perferendis sequi, asperiores dolores doloremque odit. Libero, ipsum fuga repellat quae numquam cumque nobis ipsa voluptates pariatur, a rerum aspernatur aliquid maxime magnam vero dolorum omnis neque fugit laboriosam eveniet veniam explicabo, similique reprehenderit at. Iusto totam vitae blanditiis. Culpa, earum modi rerum velit voluptatum voluptatibus debitis, architecto aperiam vero tempora ratione sint ullam voluptas non! Odit sequi ipsa, voluptatem ratione illo ullam quaerat qui, vel dolorum eligendi similique inventore quisquam perferendis reprehenderit quos officia! Maxime aliquam, soluta reiciendis beatae quisquam. Alias porro facilis obcaecati et id, corporis accusamus? Ab porro fuga consequatur quisquam illo quae quas tenetur.