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·  En esta oportunidad, 70 operarios de Johnny Cay Regional Park participarán en entrenamientos sobre manipulación de alimentos, servicio al cliente, entre otros.

Con miras a garantizar la excelente prestación de servicios turísticos a los visitantes, la Secretaría de Turismo abre un nuevo ciclo de capacitaciones para operadores. En esta oportunidad, 70 operarios de Johnny Cay Regional Park participarán en entrenamientos realizados por funcionarios de la cartera en diversas temáticas.

De acuerdo con María Fernanda Espinel, capacitadora de la Secretaría de Turismo, el objetivo es volver al departamento más competente en temas turísticos. De igual forma, que los operadores tengan la formación y las herramientas necesarias para dotar de calidad su oferta turística y puedan gestionar y comercializar de forma autónoma sus pequeños emprendimientos.

La idea es haber capacitaciones sobre servicio al cliente, hablarles un poco sobre el Código de la Policía Nacional, sobre la formalización que deben tener y manipulación de los productos y servicios que manejan en el parque”, explicó la funcionaria.

Dicha iniciativa se realiza en conjunto con las secretarías de Salud y la Policía Nacional en el departamento.

La actividad, que se llevará a cabo en dos jornadas de 8:00 de la mañana a 12:00 del mediodía y de 2:00 a 6:00 de la tarde, se cumplirá en el auditorio del comando de la Policía Nacional.


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Recognition by Fontur


· Fontur and the Vice Ministry of Tourism recognized San Andres as the Best PIT Destination due to its remarkable growth during these last years.

· Secretary of Tourism, Yadira Olivo Florez, affirmed that little by little the goal is being achieved, the destination is becoming more visible and important commercial agreements with international destinations are being managed.

With recognition by Fontur and the Vice Ministry of Tourism as Best Destination PIT, San Andres closed its second day of participation in the Anato Tourist Showcase. The award was given by Julian Martinez, Coordinator of Tourist Information Points of the Vice Ministry, who highlighted the enormous growth the destiny has had during these last years. 

"For Fontur, it is very important to have San Andres inside our Tourist Information Points. For this reason, San Andres was recognized this year as the best destination of our National Network of Tourist Information Points. It is a message of congratulation from Fontur and the Vice Ministry of Tourism to San Andres and the Tourism Secretariat for their commitment to information points," said Martinez.

According to the official, the idea is to continue linking the Archipelago in the different activities that are carried out nationally and internationally, to certify the country as one of the places that offers quality tourism.

With respect to the second day of the fair, Tourism Secretary, Yadira Olivo Florez, affirmed that little by little the objective is being achieved, the destination is becoming more visible and important commercial agreements with international destinations are being managed.

"Our exhibitors and the rest of the attendees have had a full agenda; have met appointments, made contacts and alliances, specifically for the Department. From the office of the Governor and the Ministry of Tourism, we have arranged important appointments with airlines. We talked about connectivity issues, rates and it is very important to note that we are emphasizing the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve. We are attracting the attention of all people who are interested in reaching the destination with this condition, we want sustainable tourism," said the Secretary of Tourism.

Another remarkable point of the second day of Anato was the great reception by international investors. Referring to this topic, Olivo Florez stated that more and more international destinations are recording the name of San Andres and putting it on their list as the next place to discover.

"We have made very good contacts and alliances with Austria, Argentina, part of South America, andin Mexico. Today we had an appointment with Austria to explore more partnerships and connectivity. I think the balance is very positive and we are having a resounding success. Here we are waiting for everyone to show them the wonders of our territory," stressed the secretary.

As of this date, more than 22.000 professionals of the sector managed their income to participate in the 38thedition of Anato Tourist Showcase.

The Corferias fairgrounds receive around 40 international destinations and all national departments, who show their attractions to establish business relationships to expand tourist offers.

Encouraging tourism as a motor for social, economic and employment-generating development is the goal set by the Government of San Andres. Therefore, during the tourist showcase, the bet has been to strengthen relations and attract new international investors.

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Anato Tourist Showcase


· One of the great novelties for this year will be the promotion of the destination as 'My Beautiful San Andres, evoking the places, expressions and details that make the Archipelago a special territory to rest, have fun and explore.

With the participation of 16 companies dedicated to tourism and entertainment on the island, the Secretariat of Tourism is preparing for the great return of the Archipelago to the Tourist Showcase of Anato. According to the Secretary of Tourism, Yadira Olivo Florez, this participation was planned with care, time and organization.

"We have a great surprise prepared for this showcase, but what I can say is that it has been organized with a lot of love, time, and dedication to take care of details. This year, we want it to be a very organized, that the presentation of San Andres be very ordered. We have had meetings with those who will participate as exhibitors on the stands. We have 16 available spaces for 16 companies that will be offering their services, attending appointments and establishing all communication channels to strengthen business for the island,"said Secretary of Tourism, Yadira Olivo Florez.

According to the secretary, the main objective will be to jointly promote the destination, so the union among the attendees will be key to attract quality tourism, willing to respect the ecosystem and share the traditions and culture of the island.

Another of the great novelties for this year will be the promotion of the destination as 'My Beautiful San Andres', evoking the places, expressions and details that make the Archipelago a special territory to rest, have fun and explore.

"The commitment with everyone has always been to promote the destination together. We will go with our brand 'My Beautiful San Andres', which we want to be in the hearts and minds of the people. It is a brand that, throughout our lives, for us as islanders, is closely related to the song of 'My Beautiful San Andres' and we decided to leave with this phrase,"said Olivo Florez.

The work of the secretariat will begin on Monday, February 25, when a team led by Secretary Yadira Olivo Florez, will travel to Bogota to begin with the logistics part of the event.

"We will do all the logistics, preparation, stand assembly and we are hoping that this version of Anato will be a success. This Anato has been quite meaningful for the entire situation that we are going through. It has been a very complex process to construct, but thanks to all the people who have been part of this great achievement, which is not only the Secretariat of Tourism, it is anachievement of the entire island that we were able to move forward,"concluded the secretary .

Under the slogan 'Colombia open to the world', between February 27 and March 1, 2019 at Corferias, the Anato Tourist Showcase will take place, which, throughout its 38 years of existence, has positioned itself as the most important tourism event in Colombia and a benchmark in Latin America.

For the 2019 Tourist Showcase, the guest Department of honor will be Valle del Cauca, while the international destinations highlighted for promotion in 2019 will be Guatemala and El Salvador, which will make known their tourist, cultural, musical and gastronomic offer to facilitate the marketing of their products.

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Día Oficial del Creole


· La jornada de se llevará a cabo en el Colegio Flowers Hill desde las 9:00 de la mañana.

Con eventos en la Institución Educativa Flowers Hill, la Gobernación Departamental conmemorará el 'Día oficial del Creole en el Departamento Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina', el cual se institucionalizó según la Ordenanza 003 del 2016. De acuerdo con el secretario de Cultura Juan Alberto Williams Hawkins, será un día para exaltar las tradiciones que hacen de las islas un territorio especial.

A través de las Secretarías de Cultura y Educación se llevará a cabo un acto conmemorativo en la Institución Educativa Flowers Hill en el que se tendrá, además de manifestaciones y exaltaciones a la lengua creole, un reconocimiento a diversas personalidades del departamento archipiélago quienes, a través de los años, han venido desempeñando una ardua labor concerniente a la defensa y promoción de nuestra lengua”, declaró Williams Hawkins.

El jefe de cartera agregó que el objetivo de esta conmemoración es garantizar que la lengua continúe viva en el departamento. Por eso, destacó la importancia de que la misma sea practicada en los hogares e instituciones.

Esta es la oportunidad para resaltar que, desde la Secretaría de Cultura, se está trabajando para destacar los valores culturales de la comunidad raizal, por medio de los diversos programas de enseñanza como las danzas típicas y e instrumentos musicales tradicionales, conformando así un grupo de danza y otro de música típica en el que participan los jóvenes de la isla”, dijo el funcionario.

De igual forma, el secretario de Cultura invitó a los padres de familia para que inscriban a sus hijos en los diferentes programas que tiene la Gobernación, con el objetivo de que se empapen más sobre sus tradiciones y mantengan viva la historia isleña.

Invito a los padres para que lleven a sus hijos y se integren a estos diferentes escenarios que tenemos en la Secretaría de Cultura para enseñar, ya sea danzas típicas, gastronomía o música”, culmino.

Durante la agenda programada para este 21 de febrero, se realizarán desfiles en el que se exaltará la forma de vestir de los antepasados. Además, homenajes a danzas como el Jumping Polka y Mentó. De igual forma, se hará una exaltación a personalidades isleñas como el defensor de la lengua creole Juan Ramírez Dawkins, la escritora Marcia Dittman, el traductor Dulph Mitchell Pomare, el lingüista Oakley Forbes Bryan (Q.E.P.D), el profesor Adel Christopher, el pastor Ricardo Gordon May, el locutor Carlos Pusey, los defensores del creole Zoraida Fiquiare, Maureen Hooker O’neill, Aliciano Williams Jessie y la directora del Canal Regional Teleislas Emiliana Bernard Stephenson.

La Gobernación del Departamento de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina invita a la comunidad a que se vincule a este evento, a partir de las 9:00 de la mañana, con entrada libre.

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Requisitos Caracol Pala


La Secretaría de Agricultura y Pesca le informa a la comunidad del departamento de san andrés, providencia y santa catalina que, para la vigencia del año 2019 y en atención a la resolución número 000475 del 14 de diciembre de  2018 “por la cual se establecen las cuotas globales de pesca para los recursos pesqueros” (langosta espinosa, peces y caracol pala); se ha establecido cierto requerimientos para la captura y comercialización de caracol pala (strombus gigas), que garanticen su procedencia y origen (trazabilidad) prioritario para el acceso al mercado local .

Por lo que es necesario:

1. La cooperativa que capture caracol pala solicite patente de pesca.

2. El único cayo donde se permite la captura es Serrana.

3. Las embarcaciones deben registrarse en la unidad de batallón de infantería que reposa en el cayo. 

4. Una vez arribe a puerto es necesario que un funcionario de la secretaría revise y certifique la procedencia de la captura.

5. Para su comercialización se deberá contar con el certificado de inspección o captura generado por la secretaría de agricultura y pesca.

En atención a la resolución, el producto solo podrá ser comercializado y consumido en el departamento utilizando el certificado de la secretaría como permiso para la venta. el incumplimiento de las medidas acarreará el decomiso del producto, cierre temporal de la pesquería y multas a las personas que capturen, comercialicen y consuman este producto.

Por tanto, es importante que los representantes legales de las diferentes cooperativas, pescadores artesanales, restaurantes, comercializadores, hoteles y toda la comunidad en general tengan en cuenta las siguientes recomendaciones:

Recomendaciones para la captura:

· Que el labio del caracol pala sea grueso y consistente esto determinará que probablemente el individuo sea maduro.

· Que el individuo capturado tenga un peso de la carne con uña de 250 gr

· Que el individuo capturado tenga un peso de carne limpia de 100 gr en adelante

· Que por lo menos cuatro individuos hagan una libra de peso.

· Contar con zarpes y tener toda la documentación (certificados expedido por la secretaría de agricultura y pesca) para la comercialización del caracol pala.

Recomendaciones para la comercialización y consumo:

· Que el individuo capturado tenga un peso de carne limpia de 100 gr en adelante.

· Que por lo menos cuatro individuos hagan una libra de peso.

· Exigir al pescador artesanal el certificado de inspección o captura emitido por la gobernación departamental.

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Requirements Queen Conch


The Secretariat of Agriculture and Fisheries, is informing the community in general of the Department of San Andres, Providence, and Santa Catalina that, for the validity of the year 2019 and in response to Resolution Number 000475 of December 14, 2018 "by which global fishing quotas are established for fishery resources "(spiny lobster, fish and queen conch); some requirements have been established for the capture and commercialization of queen conch (strombus gigas), which guarantee its origin (traceability) priority for access to the local market.

It is necessary:

  1.  The cooperative which captures queen conch must requests a fishing license.
  2.  The only cay where the capture is allowed is in Serrana.
  3. The boats must register at the Infantry Battalion Unit on the cay.
  4. Once arrived at port, it is necessary that an official of the secretariat revise and certifies the origin of the catch.
  5. For its commercialization, it must have the inspection or capture certificate generated by the Secretariat of Agriculture and Fisheries.

In response to the resolution, the product can only be marketed and consumed in the Department using the certificate of the secretariat as authorization to sell. Failure to comply with the measures will lead to the confiscation of the product, temporary closure of the fishing store and fines to the people who capture, sell, and consume this product.

Therefore, it is important that the legal representatives of the different cooperatives, artisanal fishermen, restaurants, suppliers, hotels and the entire community in general take into account the following recommendations:

Recommendations for the capture:

· That the lip of the queen conch (see illustration) is thick and consistent, this will determine that the individual is likely to be mature.

· That the captured conch  has a weight of the meat with a finger of 250 gr

· That the captured conch has a clean meat weight of 100g and above

· That at least four conchs make one pound of weight.

· Have sailing clearance and all documentations (certificates issued by the secretariat of agriculture and fisheries) for the commercialization of the queen conch.

Recommendations for marketing and consumption:

· That the captured conch has a clean meat weight of 100g and above

· That at least four conch’s make-up one pound of weight.

· Require from the artisanal fisherman the certificate of inspection or capture issued by the Departmental Government



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Neque similique, at excepturi adipisci repellat ut veritatis officia, saepe nemo soluta modi ducimus velit quam minus quis reiciendis culpa ullam quibusdam eveniet. Dolorum alias ducimus, ad, vitae delectus eligendi, possimus magni ipsam repudiandae iusto placeat repellat omnis veritatis adipisci aliquam hic ullam facere voluptatibus ratione laudantium perferendis quos ut. Beatae expedita, itaque assumenda libero voluptatem adipisci maiores voluptas accusantium, blanditiis saepe culpa laborum iusto maxime quae aperiam fugiat odit consequatur soluta hic. Sed quasi beatae quia repellendus, adipisci facilis ipsa vel, aperiam, consequatur eaque mollitia quaerat. Iusto fugit inventore eveniet velit.

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