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• El objetivo es culminar con los registros iniciales y hacer la entrega de los documentos pertinentes

 El Gobierno Departamental, a través de la Secretaría de Movilidad, busca implementar la estrategia denominada “Semana de la Motocicleta”, que consiste en unir todos los esfuerzos del Área de Trámites para atender durante una semana cada mes, solo el trámite de Registro Inicial de vehículos tipo motocicletas.

Esto se debe a que, en el territorio insular, hay aproximadamente 5000 mil motocicletas sin poder finalizar el trámite, por tanto, circulan en la isla sin su respectiva placa de identificación y sin la tarjeta de propiedad del vehículo.

El objetivo es culminar con los registros iniciales y hacer la entrega de los documentos pertinentes, teniendo en cuenta que, a partir del 1 de Julio del presente año, se estará exigiendo el uso del casco obligatorio reglamentado por la norma técnica colombiana NTC 4533 de 2017.

Por tanto, esta actividad de la Secretaría de Movilidad cumple dos objetivos importantes: que todos los vehículos tipo motocicleta circulen en el departamento con su respectiva placa y que circulen con el casco reglamentario debidamente identificado.

Para agilizar las gestiones del Área de Trámites las fechas de la implementación de la Semana de la Motocicleta son:

• Abril 22 al 26 de 2019

• Mayo 13 al 17 de 2019

• Junio 21 y del 25 al 28 de 2019

Los usuarios que todavía no han podido terminar este trámite, deben acercarse a la oficina de tránsito en el tercer piso del Edificio Coral Palace, en su horario habitual de 8:00am a 11:00am y de 2:00pm a 5:00pm.

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El jueves 25 de Abril, tendremos una importante capacitacióbn para todas las mujeres del Archipiélago en pro de la participación en Política Pública Departamental.

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The Secretariat of Agriculture and Fisheries will continue to carry out control and surveillance activities at landing points, corner stores, restaurants, in order to ensure strict compliance with this resolution.

Based on Resolution 0000677 of April 5, 2019 issued by the National Authority of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Departmental Government, through the Secretariat of Agriculture and Fisheries, is informing the community in general that the capture of queen conch is temporarily closed throughout the Departmental Archipelago of San Andres, Providence and Santa Catalina.

Likewise, the Secretariat of Agriculture and Fisheries will continue to carry out control and surveillance activities at landing points, corner stores, and restaurants, in order to ensure strict compliance with this resolution.

It should be remembered that non-compliance with this regulation will result in fines of up to $1.000.000 of the legal daily minimum wage, deprivation of liberty, retention of fishing permits, immobilization of the boat or vessel involved in this activity and sealing of the establishment by the competent authority.

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*The deadline for the reception of the shortlist of three candidates was extended until Tuesday, May 7 until 5:00 in the afternoon.

The Secretariat of Planning is informing that the deadline was extended until Tuesday, May 7 for the presentation of the shortlist to be part of the Departmental Planning Council.

The list of the candidates will be made until 5:00 in the afternoon at the office of the Secretary of Planning, located on the third floor of the Coral Palace Building.

Similarly, the Secretariat is informing that, due to a typing error, the Economic Sector was included in the call, which already has its representative positions assigned according to Ordinance 007 of 2015.

According to the Ordinance, two representatives of the Municipal Planning Council of Providence and a representative of the unionized workers must be convened.

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*The event will take place on April 29 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Within the framework of the national celebration of the Social Security Week in Life Project, the Departmental Secretariat of Health will carry out on April 29, the day of affiliation to the General Social Security System.                                                                                                

In 2011, from Law 1502, the stimulus, education, promotion and appropriation of the social security culture in Colombia was declared of general interest and, in particular, the knowledge and dissemination of the principles, values ​​and strategies on which social protection is based.

Complying with the above and in order to achieve universal health coverage, as established in Law 1438 of 2011, on April 29, on the first floor of the Coral Palace Building will be the space for the membership day, which will start from 8:00 a. m. to 12:00 noon and from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

During the event, people belonging to the list of underprivileged uninsured population will be affiliated, which generated a total of 169 people with a Sisben score of 0 to 51.57 points and validated by the National Planning Department.

In addition, those individuals who are part of the census list and do not have any type of affiliation, will be included, such as the victims of the armed conflict, indigenous people, minors in protection of the ICBF, persons under the protection of the elderly, homeless, indigents and other population groups that are certified by the competent authority.

The assistants will be affiliated to the subsidized regime of the Health Service Provider (Nueva EPS), the only Health Service Provider that is enabled in the Department to operate this service. We will also assist those people who meet the requirements to apply the novelty of mobility or transfers.

For affiliation, the following should be taken into account:

· Copy of your legible birth certificate if you are under 7 years old.

· Copy of Identification card enlarged for children 7 to 17 years old.

· Copy of I.D. Card enlarged by both sides for those 18 years and older.

· Copy of your Sisben, validated by the DNP with scores between 0 to 51.57 points.

Similarly, throughout the week, starting on April 23, the Secretariat will carry out various activities in order to highlight the importance of social security and establish a life project. These initiatives are:

• Pedagogical workshop at the Brooks Hill Educational Center, from 7:00 a. m. to 8:30 a. m. The employees of the Secretariat will promote a formative experience in which students will identify behaviors associated with social security at different stages of life path.

• Pedagogical workshop from 9:00 a. m. to 11:00 a. m. with high school students of the Industrial Educational Center. The objective is to generate a conversation with students from 11thgrade about the relationship that social security has with their life project and to promote a reflection on the impact of their decisions and behaviors.

• Newsletter of the week of social security and socialization of Social Security topic in Life Project on the Marina Stereo local radio station.

• Social security talks on life project, on Teleislas Regional Channel morning program, on April 25.

• Training session in Social Security with the topic of free choice in the assurance by the Secretariat of Health.

Likewise, the presentation of the advances in strengthening the culture of Social Security by the Health Service Provider (Nueva EPS) and Sanitas in 2018, for different audiences. The event will take place on April 29 from 8:00 a. m. to 12:00 noon at the Local Government Auditorium.

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*The works began in Orange Hill sector and later on in Barrack and other Hill sectors.

*The technology used for this work is Pipe Bursting, consisting of the installation of a new pipe in the space occupied by the old pipe, which is previously destroyed and incorporated into the surrounding soil.

With the start of renovation work in the Orange Hill, the Secretariat of Public Services, together with Findeter, gave clear path to the project to renew aqueduct networks on the island. According to the Secretary, Johan Mancilla Fayllace, this ambitious project will significantly improve the service provided on the island.

"We are starting the transept that corresponds to Orange Hill. Then we will go to the sectors of Hill and Barrack. There is already a set schedule. We are starting from March and into the month of April in Orange Hill. We have seen the works that are being implemented with the new technology known as Pipe Bursting, in which it is not necessary to carry out excavations, only the driving line where the machine that inserts what is the new pipeline is installed, replacing immediately the existing one," explained Mancilla Fayllace.

The Secretary added that this new system is anti-fraud, and he is inviting the community to leave the illegality and carryout the installation of the service for free.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Neque similique, at excepturi adipisci repellat ut veritatis officia, saepe nemo soluta modi ducimus velit quam minus quis reiciendis culpa ullam quibusdam eveniet. Dolorum alias ducimus, ad, vitae delectus eligendi, possimus magni ipsam repudiandae iusto placeat repellat omnis veritatis adipisci aliquam hic ullam facere voluptatibus ratione laudantium perferendis quos ut. Beatae expedita, itaque assumenda libero voluptatem adipisci maiores voluptas accusantium, blanditiis saepe culpa laborum iusto maxime quae aperiam fugiat odit consequatur soluta hic. Sed quasi beatae quia repellendus, adipisci facilis ipsa vel, aperiam, consequatur eaque mollitia quaerat. Iusto fugit inventore eveniet velit.

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