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·  The Spiny Lobster is in closed Season until June 30thand the Queen Conch can only be caught by artisanal fishermen.

A total of 55 kilograms of spiny lobster tail and 8 kilograms of Queen Conch were seized by the Secretariat of Agriculture and Fisheries in conjunction with the Coast Guard Unit, during inspection work.

According to the Secretary of Agriculture and Fisheries, Anthony Rojas Archbold, in registration and control, the product was found which is currently in closed season within the industrial vessel 'Drakkar V'. Such evidence is a violation of current fishing and merchant marine regulations.

Note that both the motorboat and the captain of it were brought before the Attorney General of the Nation.

It is important to remember that at this time Spiny Lobster is in a closed season and the Queen Conch can only be extracted by artisanal fishermen in Serrana Cay.

The Secretariat of Agriculture and Fisheries, in compliance with Resolution 00000790 of May 25, 2016, which establishes the ban for Spiny Lobster (Panulirus Agus), is informing once again to marketers of fishery products, fishing companies, artisanal fishermen, restaurants, authorities and the community in general that, during the period from March 1stto June 30th, the closed season for this resource takes place.

It should be noted that the breach of the rule will generate sanctions and even deprivation of liberty for offenders. For this reason, the Secretariat of Agriculture and Fisheries is inviting fishermen and the community in general to respect the closed season.

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·  La Langosta Espinosa está en veda hasta el 30 de junio y el Caracol Pala solo puede ser capturado por pescadores artesanales.

Un total de 55 kilogramos de cola de langosta espinosa y 8 kilogramos de Caracol Pala fueron decomisados por la Secretaría de Agricultura y Pesca en conjunto con la Unidad de Guardacostas, durante labores de inspección.

De acuerdo con el secretario de Agricultura y Pesca, Anthony Rojas Archbold, en trabajos de registro y control fue encontrado el producto, que actualmente se encuentra en veda, dentro de la embarcación industrial ‘Drakkar V’. Dicha evidencia es una violación a la normatividad pesquera y marina mercante vigente. 

Cabe destacar que tanto la motonave, como el capitán de la misma, fueron puestos a disposición de la Fiscalía General de la Nación.

Es importante recordar que en estos momentos la Langosta Espinosa se encuentra en veda y el Caracol Pala solo puede ser extraído por pescadores Artesanales en el cayo Serrana.

La Secretaría de Agricultura y Pesca, en cumplimiento a la resolución 00000790 del 25 de mayo del 2016, que establece la veda para el recurso Langosta Espinosa (Panulirus Agus), vuelve a informar a las comercializadoras de productos pesqueros, empresas de pesca, pescadores artesanales, restaurantes, autoridades y a la comunidad en general que, durante el periodo comprendido entre el 1 de marzo al 30 de junio, se lleva a cabo la temporada de veda para este recurso.

Cabe resaltar que el incumplimiento de la norma generará sanciones y hasta la privación de la libertad para los infractores. Por eso, la Secretaría de Agricultura y Pesca invita a los pescadores y a la comunidad en general respetar las épocas de vedas.

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·  En esta oportunidad, 70 operarios de Johnny Cay Regional Park participarán en entrenamientos sobre manipulación de alimentos, servicio al cliente, entre otros.

Con miras a garantizar la excelente prestación de servicios turísticos a los visitantes, la Secretaría de Turismo abre un nuevo ciclo de capacitaciones para operadores. En esta oportunidad, 70 operarios de Johnny Cay Regional Park participarán en entrenamientos realizados por funcionarios de la cartera en diversas temáticas.

De acuerdo con María Fernanda Espinel, capacitadora de la Secretaría de Turismo, el objetivo es volver al departamento más competente en temas turísticos. De igual forma, que los operadores tengan la formación y las herramientas necesarias para dotar de calidad su oferta turística y puedan gestionar y comercializar de forma autónoma sus pequeños emprendimientos.

La idea es haber capacitaciones sobre servicio al cliente, hablarles un poco sobre el Código de la Policía Nacional, sobre la formalización que deben tener y manipulación de los productos y servicios que manejan en el parque”, explicó la funcionaria.

Dicha iniciativa se realiza en conjunto con las secretarías de Salud y la Policía Nacional en el departamento.

La actividad, que se llevará a cabo en dos jornadas de 8:00 de la mañana a 12:00 del mediodía y de 2:00 a 6:00 de la tarde, se cumplirá en el auditorio del comando de la Policía Nacional.


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* Marcos Newball Abrahams falleció este lunes 4 de marzo.

La Gobernación del Departamento de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina lamenta el fallecimiento de Marcos Newball Abrahams, reconocido músico y hacedor cultural, quien dedicó su vida a resaltar el folclor del archipiélago y de toda Colombia.

Marcos Newball Abrahams nació el 2 de septiembre de 1943. Su vena musical se inclinó desde sus inicios por la música andina, especialmente por el bambuco. 

Inició sus estudios de música en el Conservatorio de la Universidad de Antioquia, luego estuvo en el Florida Institut of Music, en Estados Unidos, y posteriormente hizo parte de la Escuela de Bellas Artes de San José de Costa Rica. A los 22 años ya era director de su propia orquesta en Barranquilla.

Fue director de varias agrupaciones musicales como la Orquesta Sinfónica de Costa Rica y la Banda Intendencia de San Andrés Islas. Además, fue jurado de múltiples eventos musicales dentro y fuera del país, entre ellos el  Festival del Mono Núñez  en Ginebra, Valle, y el Concurso Nacional de Bandas en Paipa, Boyacá.

Como intérprete y arreglista recibió numerosas distinciones, entre ellas la Medalla Francisco A. Newball en 1998 y la Medalla Bill & Mary en 2007. 

Dentro de sus últimos trabajos se destacó la conformación de la agrupación Motu proprio, un proyecto de música andina colombiana.

La Gobernación del Departamento de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina, en cabeza del mandatario (e) Juan Francisco Herrera Leal, envía las más sinceras condolencias a familiares y amigos de este gran artista, que sin duda, será recordado por su gran aporte no solo al departamento, sino a todo el país.

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Recognition by Fontur


· Fontur and the Vice Ministry of Tourism recognized San Andres as the Best PIT Destination due to its remarkable growth during these last years.

· Secretary of Tourism, Yadira Olivo Florez, affirmed that little by little the goal is being achieved, the destination is becoming more visible and important commercial agreements with international destinations are being managed.

With recognition by Fontur and the Vice Ministry of Tourism as Best Destination PIT, San Andres closed its second day of participation in the Anato Tourist Showcase. The award was given by Julian Martinez, Coordinator of Tourist Information Points of the Vice Ministry, who highlighted the enormous growth the destiny has had during these last years. 

"For Fontur, it is very important to have San Andres inside our Tourist Information Points. For this reason, San Andres was recognized this year as the best destination of our National Network of Tourist Information Points. It is a message of congratulation from Fontur and the Vice Ministry of Tourism to San Andres and the Tourism Secretariat for their commitment to information points," said Martinez.

According to the official, the idea is to continue linking the Archipelago in the different activities that are carried out nationally and internationally, to certify the country as one of the places that offers quality tourism.

With respect to the second day of the fair, Tourism Secretary, Yadira Olivo Florez, affirmed that little by little the objective is being achieved, the destination is becoming more visible and important commercial agreements with international destinations are being managed.

"Our exhibitors and the rest of the attendees have had a full agenda; have met appointments, made contacts and alliances, specifically for the Department. From the office of the Governor and the Ministry of Tourism, we have arranged important appointments with airlines. We talked about connectivity issues, rates and it is very important to note that we are emphasizing the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve. We are attracting the attention of all people who are interested in reaching the destination with this condition, we want sustainable tourism," said the Secretary of Tourism.

Another remarkable point of the second day of Anato was the great reception by international investors. Referring to this topic, Olivo Florez stated that more and more international destinations are recording the name of San Andres and putting it on their list as the next place to discover.

"We have made very good contacts and alliances with Austria, Argentina, part of South America, andin Mexico. Today we had an appointment with Austria to explore more partnerships and connectivity. I think the balance is very positive and we are having a resounding success. Here we are waiting for everyone to show them the wonders of our territory," stressed the secretary.

As of this date, more than 22.000 professionals of the sector managed their income to participate in the 38thedition of Anato Tourist Showcase.

The Corferias fairgrounds receive around 40 international destinations and all national departments, who show their attractions to establish business relationships to expand tourist offers.

Encouraging tourism as a motor for social, economic and employment-generating development is the goal set by the Government of San Andres. Therefore, during the tourist showcase, the bet has been to strengthen relations and attract new international investors.

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Anato 2019



· The Department returned to the showcase with the conviction of guaranteeing a sustainable tourism for the Archipelago, fact that left high expectations among the attendees.

· With the participation of more than 40 countries, the 38thedition of the Anato Tourist Showcase, held in Corferias, closed with an approximate figure of 5.500 business appointments, as well as a 6 percent growth in professional visitors of the industry.

With agreements managed with companies and international destinations, more than 5 thousand visits and recognition by Fontur and the Vice Ministry of Tourism as the Best PIT Destination, San Andres closed its participation in Anato 2019.     

The Department returned to the showcase with the conviction of guaranteeing a sustainable tourism for the Archipelago, fact that left high expectations among those who attended. This was stated by Yadira Olivo Florez, Secretary of Tourism.

"The balance of this Anato Fair, where the Department was present, through the Local Government stand, was positive. We can say that we surpassed the 5 thousand people that visited the stand. Native Lodges reported more than 500 people. So, I believe the objectives were met; people are very happy and satisfied. Now comes the issue of loyalty and crystallize all those contacts that were made," said the secretary.

Regarding the activities during the three days of the fair, the Secretary of Tourism, Yadira Olivo Florez, affirmed that the objective was achieved, as the destination becomes increasingly visible and important commercial agreements with international destinations were managed.

"We have promoted the destination in the most sustainable way possible. The energy is very beautiful; the articulation with private companies was evident. So, I think the balance refers to a very important achievement for our islands and I am very happy to share this with you. We have already started preparing for Anato 2020," said Olivo Florez.

Samples of gastronomy, dances, music, culture, and traditions were on display. In addition, the different places to visit, attractions and natural spaces were presented to the exhibitors and potential customers, who found in the destination, a different tourism capable of being sustainable.

More than 22 thousand professionals of the sector managed their income to participate in the 38thedition of Anato Tourist Showcase 38. The idea is to continue linking the Archipelago in the different activities that are carried out nationally and internationally, to certify the destination as one of the places that offers quality tourism.

Paula Cortes Calle, president of Anato, reported that this year the visits increased by 10 percent, that is, more than 38 thousand people visited the Corferias fairgrounds. Also, she announced that an approximate of 5 thousand 500 business appointments was achieved, that is, an increase of 6 percent. In addition, it is estimated that around 200 thousand professional contacts were made.

"We have a task: to package and sell those tourist destinations to those hyperconnected traveler, who wants to be informed day by day and accompanied permanently, that is what the agencies have been doing," said Cortes Calle.

With the participation of more than 40 countries, the 38thedition of the Anato Tourist Showcase, held in Corferias, closed with an approximate number of 5.500 business appointments, as well as a 6 percent growth in professional visitors of the industry.

Finally, the president of Anato stressed that the showcase will continue to grow in the same way that the country does, which is why it highlighted the importance of investment and support for local work.


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